Honor System Statistics

Updated July 24, 2024.
During the 2022-2023 academic year, there were 171 individual students on the Main Campus reported to the Honor Council for some alleged violation of the Honor System.
Total Students:
118 (about 69%) accusations were undergraduate students.
54 (about 31%) accusations were against graduate students.
23 (about 50%) accusations were against international undergraduate students
24 (about 50%) accusations were against international graduate students

59 (about 34%) cases were against COL students.
37 (about 16%) cases were against MSB students.
3 (about 2%) cases were against SOH students.
1 (about 1%) case was against a SON student.
28 (about 16%) cases were against SFS students.
17 (about 10%) cases were against SCS students.
37 (about 21%) cases were against GSAS students.
1 (about 1%) case was against a visiting international student.

Class Years:
33 (about 19%) cases were against First year students.
42 (about 24%) cases were against Sophomore students.
23 (about 13%) cases were against Junior students.
20 (about 12%) cases were against Senior students.
54 (about 31%) cases were against MS/MA students.
1 (about 1%) case was against a PhD student.

90 (about 47%) accusations primarily involved plagiarism.
58 (about 30%) accusations primarily involved cheating.
11 (about 6%) accusations primarily involved cheating on an exam.
2 (about 1%) accusations primarily involved contract cheating.
3 (about 2%) accusations primarily involved falsifying documents
3 (about 2%) accusations primarily involved deception (corrupt files)
19 (about 10%) accusations primarily involved unauthorized collaboration

30 accusations were not advanced.
11 accusations went to hearings and resulted in a finding of Not in Violation.
41 Letters of Reprimand were recommended.
47 Level I Letters of Censure were recommended.
4 Level II Letters of Censure were recommended.
25 Level I Transcript Notations were recommended.
4 Level II Transcript Notations were recommended.
2 Suspensions were recommended.
0 Dismissals were recommended.