Post Hearing

The hearing board chair will contact the student, either immediately following the conclusion of the hearing, or at a prearranged time the following day. The hearing board chair will inform her or him of the Board’s decision. If the student was found in violation of the Honor System, the hearing board chair will discuss the sentiment of the hearing board. The Board’s decision is a recommendation to the Dean of the student’s school. 

The hearing board chair will communicate to the Executive Director the outcome of the hearing, and will write a summary of the hearing and deliberation. The summary, along with all of the documents from the case, goes back to the Executive Director. The day after the hearing, the Executive Director will then prepare a letter to be signed by the Faculty Chair of the Honor Council, which will go to the student.

If the student has new evidence or if the student believes there was a substantive violation of Honor System procedures affecting the outcome of the hearing, the student has one week from receipt of the letter from the Faculty Chair to file with the Honor Council Faculty Chair a letter of appeal. The appeal will be presented to the Honor Council Executive Committee. The Executive Committee, by a majority vote of members in attendance, can grant the student a new hearing.

If no appeal has been applied for, one week after the hearing the Executive Director will forward the summary along with the recommendation of the hearing board to the appropriate Dean for a final decision regarding a sanction. Otherwise, this material will be sent to the dean following resolution of the appeal. 

In those cases in which the Dean is considering changing the sanction, he/she will only do so only after consulting with the Student and Faculty Chairs of the Honor Council and the hearing board chair.